Saturday, August 1, 2020

Vintage lipstick and how to enjoy them

We all like vintage lipstick even though we cannot use the lipstick.  They are so lush and have the most beautiful tubes.  Here are some of my favorites. 20 vintage lipsticks - lipstick tubes - Revlon, Avon, Marian ...
We can't use the lipstick because of bacteria, but the cases can be reused.  Find your favorite lipstick and put it in the freezer.  Take a vintage lipstick tube and scrape out the lipstick.  Use a qtip to get all the lipstick out, then clean thoroughly with alcohol then soap and water.  Dry completely.  If you have a tube that doesn't turn, soak it in alcohol and that should do the trick.  When your usable lipstick is frozen, dial it up to full length and, using a paper towel or plastic gloves, gently rock the lipstick until it comes free from the tube.  Using a lighter, lightly melt the bottom and insert into the vintage tube.  Voila, you have a usable vintage lipstick!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Luxury perfumed lotion for pennies

I love all things perfume.  My husband inherited his mother's belongings some years ago.  Among them was an old Avon jar.  Lillian used it to store paperclips.  I wondered if it would clean up and put it through the dishwasher (the bottom glass part) and it came out sparkling.   I hand polished the silver top.  Then I wondered what to do with it.  

It's such a pretty jar.  I decided I wanted highly perfumed soothing lotion.  I had a bottle of expensive unscented lotion that I was given by my Mom.  I just poured it into the jar and added half a bottle of Mircalla, Countess of  Karnstein  and shook it up.  The white lotion turned a lovely creamy beige and it was beautifully perfumed.  So easy and cheap.  I bought a huge lot of perfumed Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab perfumes in bottles and imps.  I kept the ones I liked (which were few) and sold the rest.  I made money off the deal!   It was a great lot.  I really like Mircalla, and one Chaos Theory, and about 4 other bottles.  The rest went to good homes.  Image result for mircalla countess karnstein black alchemy perfume
I got this picture off Google because I didn't want to try to take a pic that small with my phone.  The lotion is a bit thin, if you want thicker, I suggest you start with unscented body cream.  It would also be fun to add perfume to already scented lotions and cream.  
So, buy those pretty jars and bottles you see at thrift stores and yard sales.   They do come in handy.

Vintage lipstick and how to enjoy them

We all like vintage lipstick even though we cannot use the lipstick.  They are so lush and have the most beautiful tubes.  Here are some of ...